Posted 24-Apr-2022 19:48:18
Category: Broadstone Equine

'Get Horse Insurance' Still on Your To-Do List?

Have you seen the sale prices that horses are bringing? The cost of grain and hay? Or even invoices for a colic surgery or major lameness issue? It seems that like most everything else in this economy, the costs of horse ownership are skyrocketing.

With all that we have on our minds, it’s unlikely that most of us spend our time at the barn chatting with friends about all the ways our horses could become injured or ill, or God forbid pass away, leaving us scrambling to pay a pile of a vet bills and eventually scouring the internet for our next partner to find the market’s eye popping prices.

I realize that's scary language, but if the last several years have taught us anything, it is to prepare for the unexpected. Don’t get me wrong, I realize that most horseowners don’t want to spend their time envisioning worst case scenarios, but as in many areas of life, what you don’t know can hurt you, and putting your head in the sand is rarely a successful strategy. So, without being too morbid, but in the interest of helping you protect your horses and your bank account, here are some reasons you should finally check off that box next to ‘Get Horse Insurance’ on your to-do list.

Accidents Happen

It's a common belief that horses are safest at home and at the most risk while traveling and competing. Interestingly, several years ago when some colleagues did an anecdotal analysis of more than 2000 horses that had been insured over a two-year period, of those that died during that time, pasture accidents ranked as one of the top causes of death.

The types of accidents ran the gamut from kick wounds, slips and falls, puncture wounds, crashes into pieces of fencing or other debris, and even jumping pasture fences and running into the road. Our review showed that these types of accidents did not discriminate by value or type of horse, with uses ranging from Olympic contenders living in immaculate conditions to backyard pleasure horses, and values from $1,000 to hundreds of thousands of dollars.

What to do?

First, consider insuring your horse.  Rates for Mortality (equine life insurance) coverage for the typical performance horse aged 2-14 generally run from 2.9% to 3.9% of the insured value, depending on the horse’s use, breed, competition level, and the insurance company offering coverage. So for example, the Full Mortality premium for a 10-year-old Dressage, Cutting or Reining horse insured at a value of $10,000 could be as low as $290-$300 a year. Or for a Hunter/Jumper or Roping horse it could be in the range of $325-$370 a year. And for Pleasure horses not used for a specific discipline or doing any jumping, it could be in the ballpark of $300-$325 a year. This equine life insurance policy also usually covers for theft, and typically includes at no charge potentially as much as $5,000 (depending on the insurance company and the horse’s insured value) of free Emergency Colic Surgery coverage, providing the horse does not have a colic history. To get a free horse insurance quote, go to our QUOTE page, and to learn how quick, easy, and economical coverage can be, check out our 5 Common Horse Insurance Misconceptions Blog.

Second, take steps to limit your horse’s risk while turned out. Monitor fence lines, especially after bad weather, and keep all debris (and any type of equipment, vehicles, or other potential hazards) out of pastures, paddocks, and other turn-out areas. If possible, fence off trees to limit your horse's access to them. Introduce new horses to a herd gradually, and if you see a personality conflict cropping up among members of the herd (or even good “friends” consistently playing too hard), take steps to separate these horses for their own good.

In addition, keep an eye on the weather and avoid putting your horses out during storms or in slippery, icy, or muddy conditions. Almost every Winter we see at least one Mortality claim after a horse slips and falls in icy conditions, not to mention the many Medical claims for strained ligaments and tendons, and even fractures (For more Winter Safety Tips, see our BLOG). And Summer storms cause their fair share of injuries and deaths from downed fence lines and even lightning strikes.


The word ‘colic’ caused a sinking feeling in the stomachs of horse owners around the globe. Our anecdotal research has shown that colic and related intestinal issues also rank highly as common causes of death, and are also responsible for substantial vet bills for successful surgeries or even when no surgery is required, but the horse is treated medically and monitored at the vet hospital for a few days.

And again, we see these types of claims across all breeds, disciplines, and values. Horses receiving the best feed, hay, grass, training, turn out, veterinary care, and practically 24-hour monitoring can still end up on the operating table.

And while the prognosis has become significantly more positive over the years, with more horses not only surviving colic surgery but also going on to have long, successful, colic-free careers, an unfortunate number still die before, during, or after surgery due to a variety of reasons. In some cases, the colic comes on suddenly during the night, and the horse has passed away before help arrives in the morning. In other cases, even with prompt care and attention, by the time the horse makes it to the hospital too much damage has been done. And in others, post-operative complications develop that cannot be overcome.

What to do?

Colic prevention is an art and a science, and sometimes feels like a matter of luck. In a nutshell: allow your horse to live as naturally as possible, with as much safe turn-out time as you can. This provides both exercise and hopefully good pasture to munch on, as their digestive systems are designed to have an almost constant influx of roughage. A comprehensive parasite surveillance program is also essential, since certain types of worms can contribute to colic. And it is also vital that your horses have a constant access to clean, fresh water (especially in cold weather, when buckets and troughs can freeze over), since dehydration can lead to impaction colic.

For horses that have little access to grass and/or turn out, try to have good quality hay available as often as possible, and if feeding grain, feed several small meals daily. Also consider some of the supplements designed to help maintain gut health. And if your horse is primarily turned out in sandy areas, be aware of the possibility of sand colic, which you can help prevent by some of the tips above, as well as by not putting hay or feed on the ground, and adding psyllium to your horse’s feed.

Also, be on the lookout for gastric ulcers, which can lead to colic issues. Research over the years has shown that gastric ulcers are much more prevalent than previously thought--among all breeds and disciplines, and just  a two-day trip away from home can be enough to set the stage. If your horse is dropping weight for no reason, seems girthy or unusually tense or depressed, has changed his eating or drinking habits, and/or just seems “off” or slightly colicky, talk to your veterinarian. And if you are traveling to competitions or will otherwise be away from home, consider preventative measures. The good news is that there are effective prevention and treatment supplement and medication options to help keep gastric ulcers at bay and treat them if they occur.

The Rest

In the look at those two years of Mortality claims mentioned in the beginning of this post, neurological diseases such as EPM were slightly more prevalent than other causes. And the remainder of causes included eye issues, various cancers, conditions like founder that required the horses to be put down, as well as catastrophic injuries resulting from trailering accidents and barn fires.

Other Expenses – Equine Medical and Surgical Insurance Coverages

In many cases, before these horses passed away or were euthanized their owners invested significant funds toward attempts at diagnosis and treatment. This is important to mention because the Equine Mortality Insurance policy wording requires that the insured takes all steps to save the horse’s life, regardless of the expenses necessary to do so. 

In the example of a horse that is colicking, if the horse is a candidate for surgery as recommended by the veterinarian, and the owner chooses not to follow the vet’s recommendation and instead euthanizes the horse or the horse dies due to the untreated colic, it is very likely that a Mortality claim would not be paid, since the policy requirements were not fulfilled. While humane destruction is covered under most equine Mortality policies, the circumstances of the euthanasia must meet the policy requirements, including providing all necessary veterinary care to save the horse’s life. 

IMPORTANT: If you find yourself in a situation with a sick or injured horse, it is imperative that you contact the insurance company immediately and talk to an adjuster.

Having some sort of Medical and/or Surgical coverage (a type of horse health insurance) can ease some of the financial considerations when making decisions regarding your horse’s care. In cases of covered injuries, illnesses, lamenesses, accidents, and diseases that occur during the policy period, Medical and Surgical coverages can help provide reimbursement for a good portion of the veterinary expenses related to those issues. 

Equine Medical and Surgical insurance is usually available to add to a Mortality policy for horses through the age of 30 days to 18-20 years. Annual coverage limits include: $5,000, $7,500, $10,000, and $15,000 (depending on the horse’s age, breed, use, insured value, and the insurance company offering the coverage), with premiums starting at $200 per year.  Considering colic surgery, without complications, averages between $8,000 - $10,000 (and can be considerably more expensive depending on the surgical facility, the type of surgery, and any post-operative complications), or that even a horse with something as “simple” as a puncture wound can easily rack up more than $5,000 in vet bills to treat the resulting infection, Medical and Surgical coverages can be the best investment a horseowner makes.

CAVEAT: It is becoming more difficult to find a comprehensive Medical and Surgical endorsement for horses valued at less than $15,000 (or sometimes higher, depending on the company). The good news is that Broadstone works with several of the leading insurance companies, including one that does not place a restriction on the horse’s insured value in order to get Medical and Surgical coverage, and another that offers it on horses insured at $7,500 or higher.

More Information

For more information on equine insurance coverages, please check out our other Blog entries, and visit our PROTECT YOUR HORSE  and FAQ pages. To see about a horse insurance quote, go to the QUOTE page. And also, please contact our office at 888-687-8555 with any questions.

**These blogs are for basic information purposes only, and do not constitute advice from Broadstone Equine Insurance Agency, a division of Marshall and Sterling Insurance, or its affiliates. Contact our office directly at 888-687-8555 or to contact an agent for complete and current information regarding all coverages.

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